Services provided

For individual customers

Resume Restructuring

We help renew CVs, making them more attractive, organized and convincing.

We give unique features to CVs with innovative layouts and different schemes so that they attract the attention of recruiters, maximizing the probability of contact to schedule an interview.

Presentation letter development

We help with the creation of simple, objective and notable cover letters that highlight the candidate’s experience and professional career.

Interview preparation

We help prepare for the job interview, training the candidate to anticipate possible questions that may be asked according to their professional history and the profile that the company is looking for in the market.

Interview simulation

We keep in mind that to increase the probability of success in a job interview it is necessary to carry out a simulation according to the vacancy available. We simulate job interviews by preparing the candidate for possible scenarios that may occur during the job interview.

Consultancy for LinkedIn

We realize that accounts in the LinkedIn application have an impact on the hiring of candidates, so we diagnose the candidates’ profiles, correct possible defects and inconsistencies and also propose improvements.

Customized Consultancy

We provide personalized consultancy on the candidate’s profile, social networks and CVs according to their interests.

Labor legal consultancy

We provide assistance in a wide range of situations such as:

  • Assistance in negotiating labor compensation and working conditions;
  • Advice on Occupational Health and Safety services;
    Monitoring and assistance in labor pre-litigation;
  • Monitoring the process in conciliation, mediation and labor arbitration services;
  • Legal advice and consultancy on termination of employment contracts;
  • Legal advice in the context of establishing labor precautionary measures;
  • Legal advice on issues related to holidays, absences and licenses.

Mentoring to prepare for the job market

With this service, we help job candidates to plan their careers with a long-term vision.

We carry out appropriate joint planning of what the market expects from the candidate as well as the different types of vacancies available on the market.